幼年教育研究年報 Volume 40
published_at 2018-10-19

異国間に渡る保育の質を捉える視点としてのECERSとSSTEWの可能性 : アジア太平洋諸国の実践に着目して

The Possibility of ECERS and SSTEW as View Point of Process Quality over Countries: Focusing on the Practices of Asia-Pacific Region
Yodozawa Maho
Dinh Thi Thu Hang
553 KB
The purpose of this study was to explore the possibilities of ECERS (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale) and SSTEW (Sustained Shared Thinking Emotional Well-being) between countries through defining the common characteristics of the Asia-Pacific region. Recently, discussions on the process quality in the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) have been increasing. At the same time, rating scales for process quality have been developed and become popularized. This study focused on ECERS-3 and SSTEW. In our previous study, we defined the common characteristics of the Asia-Pacific region through analyzing “Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Early Childhood Care and Education” (UNESCO, 2015). That research led to considering the possibility of using ECERS-3 and SSTEW. There are two main findings. First, it has been used as evaluation tools prior to now, but this study identified the characteristics of ECEC across the Asia-Pacific region. Second, we suggested a new use for ECERS and SSTEW compared with the original version with respect to the capture of various characteristics. We captured the characteristics from watching video, in about ten minutes. In the original version, we had to observe for three-four hours, but our purpose was to explore the possibilities. Two scales were used and the results were judged valid when similar items were checked. Thus, this study served as a new try about rating scales.
本研究の成果の一部はThe First joint Symposium on Education by Hong Kong Baptist University and Hiroshima University で発表した。
Process Quality
Copyright (c) 2018 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会