Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences. III, Studies in information and behavior sciences
Volume 14
Date of Issue:1991-02-28
current number
ISSN : 0385-1478
Publisher : 広島大学総合科学部
The effect of informations about supervisory behavior and group productivity on evaluation of leaders
Kinjo Akira Kurokawa Masaru Sato Seiichi
PP. 13 - 25
Sex effects in evaluating others' behavior and traits : Which hard drinker is liked better, male or female?
Kurokawa Masaru Sakata Kiriko Shinohara Shinobu Kinjo Akira
PP. 27 - 39
How husbands and wives share things to do (3) : Effects of wives' working status on power relations, divisions of domestic duties, and emotional factors between husbands and wives
Sakata Kiriko Kurokawa Masaru
PP. 41 - 57
The effects of prior positive reinforcement contingency on shuttle-box avoidance learning in rats.
Sakata Shogo Sugimoto Sukeo
PP. 59 - 75
A study on the adjustment of international students in Japan(1) : A factor analysis of cross-cultural adjustment scale
Tanaka Tomoko Takai Jiro Kohyama Takaya Muranaka Chiho Fujihara Takehiro
PP. 77 - 94
A study on the adjustment of international students in Japan(2) : Implications of social network formation on newly arrived students
Tanaka Tomoko Takai Jiro Minami Hirofumi Fujihara Takehiro
PP. 95 - 113
First one year of the Japanese Americans in the Topaz concentration camp, Utah
Hayashi Haruo
PP. 115 - 125
Effects of the information modalities of cognitive tasks on the EEG asymmetry
Hori Tadao Hayashi Mitsuo Fujihara Takehiro
PP. 127 - 135
A study of heart rate responses to social stimuli in autistic children.
Yonemura Ayumi Seiwa Hidetoshi
PP. 137 - 144