Hiroshima Journal of Ethnological Studies
Issue 9
Date of Issue:2018-03-01
current number
ISSN : 1349-2306
Publisher : 広島大学『民族社会研究』編集部
PP. -
Education and Anthropology in Practice Teaching Japanese as a foreign language in a field society: A case study
Tagawa Izumi
PP. 18 - 33
A study of Anthropological approach to Tourism-based community development activities
Kawasaki Kazuya
PP. 34 - 49
An examination of the usefulness of the school year book in the study of the cultural anthropology
Okubo Yutaka
PP. 50 - 68
An Anthropological Study of Risk Management of Disaster Response at Elementary and Junior High Schools
Murata Yoshihiro
PP. 69 - 87
A study of Anthropological approach for Accessibility support in Higher Education
PP. 88 - 102