
読書科学 22 巻 1-2 号 10-18 頁 1979-03-30 発行
アクセス数 : 265
ダウンロード数 : 110

今月のアクセス数 : 2
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
Dokushokagk_22_10.pdf 904 KB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
タイトル ( eng )
An evaluation of the cloze procedure in assessing the linguistic competence of Japanese children.
開始ページ 10
終了ページ 18
Use of the cloze procedure for assessing the linguistic competence of Japanese students, from the third grade through the sixth grade, was evaluated. The exact-word and clozentropy scoring methods were compared; reliability and validity coefficients were obtained; the significance of grade-level differences was tested; and cloze item discrimination indices were computed at each of the grade levels.
The correlations of the exact-word and clozentropy scoring methods for the grade level groups were above .95. The split-half and K-R 21 reliabilities, r≥.56, were generally satisfactory. Using a Japanese language achievement test as the criterion, the validities of the cloze scores, r≥ .66, were also satisfactory. Significant mean differences, p<.01, were obtained for the distributions of cloze scores between the third- and fourth-grade and between the fifth- and sixth-grade groups; the difference between the fourth- and fifth-grade groups approached significance. Among the 51 items in the test, indices above +.30 were obtained for 26 at the third grade level, 27 at the fourth grade level, 20 at the fifth grade level, and 19 at the sixth grade level.
The applicability of the cloze procedure to the Japanese language, for the assessment of language and reading proficiencies of elementary school children has been demonstrated in this study. The use of the cloze procedure as a classroom technique is also discussed.
資源タイプ 学術雑誌論文
発行日 1979-03-30
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0387-284X
[NCID] AN00172568