漢籍の古点本に用ゐられた濁音符 : 特に博士家に於ける使分けについて

広島大学文学部紀要 25 巻 1 号 22-44 頁 1965-12-20 発行
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タイトル ( jpn )
漢籍の古点本に用ゐられた濁音符 : 特に博士家に於ける使分けについて
タイトル ( eng )
Sign for voiced sounds used in the "kotenbon" of chinese texts
小林 芳規
The Hiroshima University Studies Literature Department
開始ページ 22
終了ページ 44
In the Heian and Kamakura periods, the reading of the chinese texts was treated exclusively by the families of professional scholars, named "Hakaseke".

Among Hakasekes, we reckon the Ōes, the Sugawaras, And the Fujiwaras that were concerned in Kidend? ,(紀傳道), the Kiyowaras and the Nakaharas that were concerned in Myōgyōdō (明經道).

Each of these families read the Chinese texts in its own way. Therefore there existed some differences in the Japanese ways of reading the chinese texts among them.

I have already testified this fact in my other papers on the basis of the language which was used in those days for "Kotenbon", the Japanese reading of the Chinese texts.

This paper also aims to testify the same fact, in connection with "dakuonpu", that is, a sign for voiced sound.

The signs for voiced sound which were used in "Kotenbon" are as follows:

o- was used, by the Ōes and the Fujiwaras of Kidendō,

oo was used by the Sugawaras of Kidendō,

o- was used by the Nakaharas of Myōgyōdō,

oo was used by the Kiyowaras of Myōgyōdō.

If we apply this knowledge to the texts, we shall be able to decide which of these families was concerned in the reading of them, even when, the name- of the scholar has not been known yet.
日本語 [ 810 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1965-12-20
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0437-5564
[NCID] AN00213701